Sometimes, life feels like a series of mountains—each one bigger and scarier than the last. But let me tell you something about God: He not only brings us over the mountains, but He also gives us the strength to face our fears and grow through every trial. He doesn’t just bring us over the mountains; He holds our hand through the valleys, strengthens us in our trials, and restores everything we’ve lost.
When I set off on a road trip to California in February of 2021, I didn’t have much to my name—just $9 in my pocket, a goal, and a whole lot of faith. I didn’t have a solid plan, but I knew God would guide my steps.

God’s Plans Over Mine
My first stop was Alabama, where I visited a museum filled with beautiful inspiring artwork. That stop, though small, reminded me to appreciate the beauty of the journey. From there, I headed to Mississippi, relying on Instacart orders to fill my gas tank. It was like God timed each order perfectly—one would pop up just as I needed to stop for gas.
In Mississippi, while waiting for a museum to open, I decided to conquer a long-standing fear: I drove down a steep, scary hill to a casino. Not only did I overcome that fear, but I also walked into an unexpected blessing—a $1,000 free play win that turned into $800 cash, money that would help me continue the journey God had set before me.

Facing Fear Head-On
From there, I made my way to Dallas, where I stayed with a friend for a while. But deep down, I was wrestling with fear—fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and especially fear of driving through the mountains ahead. I prayed constantly, asking God to give me the courage to keep moving forward.
Eventually, I packed up my car and headed west. , trusting God to get me where I needed to go

When I hit New Mexico, I discovered another unexpected challenge—wind. The winds were so strong, they made driving difficult. But even through the delays and struggles, God kept me moving. When I reached the Grand Canyon, I stood in awe of its breathtaking beauty. The vastness reminded me of God’s power and His ability to create something so magnificent out of what feels like chaos.
After stopping at the Grand Canyon to take in its breathtaking beauty, I pressed on to Las Vegas.

Lessons in the Chaos
Vegas was a mix of highs and lows. I had some amazing moments, like crafting jewelry and gaining clients for my business. I saw God’s provision in new ways. But there were also mishaps—breaking the elevator with beads, getting my white pants dirty, and dealing with a dead car battery. Even through the chaos, God provided. He sent help when I needed it and reminded me that even when life feels messy, He’s still in control.

When I finally made it to California, I stayed with my aunt, who welcomed me with love and care. Her love and care were exactly what I needed. I started walking the “hills” of California (which, let’s be honest, are more like mountains), and with each step, I felt my fear melt away. God gave me strength to conquer the fears that once paralyzed me. The beauty of snow-capped peaks alongside a clear blue ocean reminded me of God’s artistry and His goodness.

God’s Protection and Provision
Throughout the trip, I saw God’s hand in everything. He provided for me financially through new clients, kept me safe when I had to sleep in my car, and even gave me precious time with family. Most importantly, He gave me the gift of one last Mother’s Day with my mom before she passed. That time was priceless, and I’ll always be grateful for it.

Even after my car was repossessed later that year, God still had me covered. God had already set a plan in motion to restore everything I had lost. Within a few months, I was able to pay it off and become debt-free. And that was just the beginning of His restoration. He gave me the ability to pay it off, become debt-free, and prepare for my next blessing—a house of my own.
A Home Filled with Grace
God’s faithfulness didn’t stop there. He brought me out of homelessness and blessed me with a house of my own. A home filled with love, memories, and the tangible proof of His grace. Every time I look around, I’m reminded of how far He has brought me and how much He has restored.

Overcoming Fear Through Faith
Years ago, the thought of doing a road trip alone would’ve sent me into a panic. But through prayer, I learned to trust God completely. He taught me to lean on Him, listen to Him, and know that He has me covered in every way.
Protection? Covered.
Abundance? Covered.
Even when you fail? You’re still covered.

God is so good. He turns our fears into testimonies, our trials into triumphs, our brokenness into restoration, and our anxieties into faith. If you’re facing a mountain right now, remember this: God knows the way over, around, or through it. And He’s got you.
I’ll tell you next time about how He moved another mountain and blessed me with this house. But for now, let this be a reminder: Trust God. Pray without ceasing. And know that His plans are greater than anything you can imagine.
God is faithful, always.