
I’m Angry

I am angry at this life. At this pain, and the hurt within. I am angry within myself. I am angry at the hurting pain that I cannot seem to contain. I am angry at her, at him, at all of them. I am angry and I cannot stop it. The rage pours out in every word that is stated from
Feed Your Truth

Feeding God’s Truth Into My Life

What you think about has everything to do with your joy, happiness, and the overall quality of your life. But it’s not just good enough to stop thinking about the wrong things—we also need to replace them with good, healthy, positive thoughts from God’s Word. The Bible shares a lot of detailed instructions on what kinds
Feed Your Truth

Feed the Truth!

Make them holy by your truth: teach them your word, which is truth. -John 17:17 I believe that at some point in life, we all had a time when we did not feel special. We probably felt useless and worthless. We probably did not know what to do about it. I know I have. I work in a motor

Getting To Know God For Yourself

Do you want to know God better? Do you want God’s peace, presence, protection, and provision in your life? Do you want to know for sure that you will have a life after death in heaven? If so, simply: 1) Recognize and Humble yourself before God Almighty  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. –James 4:10So