Angelique Janey

Hello Children of God!  My name is Angelique Janey. 

I started Feed the Truth Blog as a way to help myself and others get rid of the lies of this world. As I was studying my YouVersion Bible study plan, I learned that what you feed grows and what you starve dies. As I was learning the lesson, I realized sometimes we feed the wrong things in life, for me that consisted of so many things like gluttony for coke and candy. I would always tell myself, I needed a coke to get through my day. I have to have sugar or I will not eat.

Until I found the truth in this verse, ” Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food.” Isaiah 55:2. Sometimes it takes getting the truth and feeding the truth so that we can get rid of the lies. Everything we do is a habit formed over periods of time. Why not get rid of the lies we have told ourselves or that someone else has told us? How much better will it be to know the truth and to make the truth a habit?